Case History Project Oactive

Desktop application for Windows operating systems made with C# .Net technology. The offer includes the creation of an interface for the configuration, management and monitoring of 8 control units used for recording data in the medical field. The OActive project intends to make a significant leap forward by adopting a multi-scale holistic analysis in which specific patient information from various levels, including biochemical/inflammatory biomarkers, cells, tissues and the whole body, will be integrated and combined with information from other sources such as environmental, behavioural and social risk factors to generate valuable predictors of new personalized interventions to delay the onset and / or slow the progression of OA.

OActive aims to predict and perform patient-specific OA interventions using a combination of mechanical computational models, simulations and big data analysis. Once built, these models will be used to simulate and predict optimal treatments, better diagnostics and better results for the patient, overcoming the limitation of current treatment interventions, the enhanced Augmented Reality (AR) interventions will be developed in a personalized framework that will allow patients to experience the treatment as more enjoyable, resulting in greater motivation, involvement and adherence to training. The AR element will also be useful for therapists to validate patients’ progress and enable them to receive more adaptable rehabilitation therapy in terms of flexible interactive content.


  • The app should provide an interface that helps the user to connect and configure up to 8 devices. It is not obligatory to have them all.

  • The application will have to read the date of up to 8 devices connected at the same time. To do this, it will be necessary to connect 2 Bluetooth hubs to the PC, which will manage the IO operations of 4 devices at a time.

  • To connect 8 devices, we created a bridge device (using raspberry pie) that allows the connection of multiple bluetooth dongles, thus allowing the insertion of 2 bluetooth adapters and the connection to 7+ devices.

  • The saving of data provides for the generation of 8 files per session, the files will be saved in the following format:

    • timestamp_n*reg_prog_position_dev_name_device.bin
    • timestamp: year, month, day, hour minutes
    • n*reg_prog: serial number of session on PC
    • position_dev: position of the device on the human body
    • name_device: name label on bluotooth card


  • Acquisition of spatial position

  • Heart rate measurement

  • Breath rate measurement

  • Raspberry communication via Ethernet socket

  • The saving of data involves the generation of 8 files per session, the files will be saved in various formats

  • The application should read date up to 8 devices connected at the same time in different points of the body, all optional.

  • Data from the sensors can be displayed on a graphic display

  • Bluetooth interface

  • Native Windows 10 application

  • To connect 8 devices, we created a bridge device (using raspberry pie) that allows the connection of multiple bluetooth dongles, thus allowing the insertion of 2 bluetooth adapters and the connection to 7+ devices.


The Desktop application for Windows operating systems realized with C#.Net technology.